Pc 2d Chess Games
Could someone suggest some good, yet inexpensive stand-alone chess software for my Windows PC?I used Chessmaster for years, liked the 2D wood grain board, but didn't like the crashiness. Didn't care for Fritz - too hard to use and didn't have the level settings of Chessmaster.How is that Chess King 2 with Houdini?
Pc 2d Chess Games Free

Similar enough to the functionality of Chessmaster, with nice 2D boards, but runs well? Do they have a 30 day trial version?I'm currently using the registered paid version of the Chess Free app on my Galaxy S5 but don't have anything on the PC. I've asked and AI Factory said they were coming out with a PC version, but that was last summer and I still don't see anything from them for PC.I'm only an intermediate player, by the way, so I don't need 'the most powerful engine' or anything like that. I think my rating would be around 1200, but I like playing fast informal games against the computer. Free is always good, but the commercial stuff seems a little more polished. ChessKing is a fun program with lots of training exercises and a decent database. HIARCS chess is my favorite computer opponent because you can choose any of 200 common openings to practice against, full strength or dumbed down to your level.
Really useful to practice your openings. It also has a very human like playing style. Lucas Chess is certainly worth a download; dozens of engines to practice beating up. I've never had the incentive to dig much deeper but it looks very powerful. PC is very user friendly for me. It also has many more features than Fritz does.Shoot, with Fritz you can't even set up a position from.With Scid vs. PC, when I load a database of my games, the program is smart enough to position the color I played at the bottom of the screen.
(This is a user option.) How cool is that?The Material Search and Pattern Search features are more robust than that of any other program I've ever seen.Try e-mailing the programmer of Fritz to fix a bug and see where that gets you.With Scid vs. PC it's possible to use your own personalized chess fonts.I could go on and on but I thik you get the idea.At one time or another I've used just about every piece of chess software ever written and I still can't get over how wonderful Scid vs. I like Fritz and the ChessBase database software, but the OP says he does not. It's long been my experience that MrEdCollins knows what he's talking about regarding chess comparisons. I'd go with his recommendation if I didn't like ChessBase.I like White on bottom unless I'm playing. I analyze from the White side.
I would turn that option off in SCID vs. Even so, it's a nice feature. Fritz offers the option of flipping the board, too.I used Chessmaster in the 1990s. After buying ChessBase, I continued using Chessmaster on occasion, but found it less useful than Fritz and family.Fritz sparring mode is vastly better than any Chessmaster personalities IMO. However, the OP has his view, too.