Datacad 10

I'd suggest that you open the original drawing file and go to your first GoToView. Save the layers into a dxf or dwg file that is able to be opened by your Ver. Name the file the same as is your GTV.Open the next GTV and repeat. You might want to write down the names of the GTVs in order.Open Version 10 in a clean drawing (meaning no Default just so there isn't something there to corrupt the process). Import the first GTV dwg or dxf file. Create a GTV.Turn off all layers except for the Layer001 which should be an empty one.Import the second file. Create a GTV.Continue to repeat until you've recreated the AEC file with the appropriate GTVs.

You could even turn of Layer001 each time so that only the most recently imported layers are on for the new GTV.Clean up as needed. Likely, you'll have quite a bit since colors and line types may not be translated correctly.
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Most importantly, you'll have everything available in a short amount of time and with the GTVs that you want.Depending upon your system, you might have both versions open at the same time and just Alt+Tab between the two as you export/import your files.Good luck,Woody.