Aldi Crane Gps Uhr Software S
Crane GPS Watch client for Linux and WindowsCopyright (C) 2014-2015Crane GPS Watch client is an unofficial, alternative open source Linux and Windows program for downloading GPS tracks from different GPS watches.The program provides an alternative to the 'GPS Master' software which is usually shipped with the watch. It does not provide many of the features of 'GPS Master', but works cross platform and from the command line.Supported watches and firmware version:. 1.20.22KRIP000 and. 1.20.21KRIP000.
1.20.03KRIP002. 1.20.22DLES000. 1.20.21DLES000. 1.20.21DLES000. 1.20.26RUNT000As the watch is commonly rebranded, the following watches might just work:.I guess that all GPS watches delivered with 'GPS Master' software work.
Please understand that this tool will not provide firmware updates for your watch. Check for updates with the original probably the importer/brander of the Crane watch.The site lists several other re-brands of the GPS watch:. ASCOT. TWINS. RuntasticCommunication protocol: Output format:The TCX format is used instead the popular GPX format, for the following reason:The GPS watch is able to record workouts where only heartrate is available, no GPS.It is not valid to create GPS records without coordinates.
In TCX, this is possible.If you require a different output format, have a look at.The program can convert between many different formats (e.g. Or file a feature request.Lap information is not yet stored in the output file. This is being worked on.USAGE. Software Engineering.
Cranegpswatchclient -help # show the help screencranegpswatchclient-clear # delete workout info on watch.-output 'filename ' # override default filename, write single file for all tracks.-epo 'epo-file ' # download epo data-split # write file for each track.-device '/dev/tty. ' # override default device file / com port.-toimage filename # write watch data to file.-fromimage filename # read watch data from file.-verbose # write debug output to console. Repeat to get more output.As default, the output file is written in the current working directory.The filename is created from the current time and date.
Use the -output optionto specify a different filename.-split makes the program write a single.tcx for every track currently stored on the watch.Default is to write a single.tcx file that contains all tracks. When this option is used, the -output optionis ignored. The files are written in the current directory. The filename is taken from the start time of the workout track.If a file already exists, it will be overwritten.The -device option is used to specify the device file, default is 'auto'. 'auto' enablesthe automatic port detection. If auto-detect does not work for you, please file a bug report.-clear clears the workouts from the watch after they are successfully transfered.-epo allows you to download EPO data (MTK7d.EPO) for AGPS.
This feature is still in development.I still don't know the proper way to obtain MTK7d.EPO files. The article listsone server.Enjoy! Disclaimer:Please note that I (the developer) am not affiliated with any of themanufacturers listed. The protocol is implemented completely clean-roomonly by observing the behaviour of the watch, without any attempts toinfringe copyrighted material.
## Clone source code archive from githup repo:git clone or download Zip file:wget master.zipcd cranegpswatch## build the software./configuremake## install the softwaresudo make installMake sure you have the rights to access the serial port. Usually you have tobe member of the dialout group (debian based distros) or uucp (Arch Linux). Consult ato find a solution for other distros and let me know so I can update this documentation.make check can be used to run the test suite.
The test suite requiresadditional programs to be installed: xmllint from libxml2-utils.See INSTALL for details. Note that it is possible to install without root rights, use the./configure -prefix=. Option.Please also have a look at.travis.yml, which describes a full build for theplatform, including all dependencies. Cross compilation for windows:The program also works under windows.Windows installers are available in the release directory.The program works using Wine, except access to the com port.

The testsuite on Travisalso builds and checks the windows executable with the same testcases.To build for windows, use mingw-w64. Sudo apt-get install mingw-w64./configure -host i686-w64-mingw32 -build i686-linux-pcwine./src/cranegpswatchclient.exe -help Auto importThe script requires the package python-pyudev to be installed.This repository also ships the scripts and is intended to be auto-started with your X session.To enable auto-start copy the file gpswatchmonitor.desktop (usually in/usr/local/share/cranegpswatchclient after installation)to /.config/autostart.It monitors the UDEV bus fornew connections on the USB bus. If the watch is connected,it will start in a terminal can start the client to import the files,and execute additional tasks. To customize the default behaviour,copy the script (usually /usr/local/share/cranegpswatchclient/ your home as: / andmodify it to your needs. TODO:WIP:. get more details about the watch itself (manufacturer, architecture), firmware upgrade server.In testing:. AGPS download.
Crane Gps Uhr
Auto-scan for serial port. clear watch memoryLow-prio:. find proper name for the project. Implement filters (e.g. Correct altitude data from online sources). for distances in tcx files. Would be required for turtle sportsSee Also:GPS Software:.
works great with the TCX files. I like it. does currently not work with the tcx files, due to a bug. Use gpsbabel tcx-gpx and import gpx instead.Technical links:. EPO formatSimilar projects:., support for W Kalenji 300, CW Kalenji 700, On Move 500, On Move 700, Kaymaze 700., reverse engineering repository of this project, written in perl, easy to hack&test stuff.Uses:.
Inno setupThanks:. Yarema. Wolfram. Peter. All contributors!Go.