Watashi No Karate Jutsu Pdf
Ryukyu Kempo Tode-JitsuThe martial art of the Ryukyu Islands (Okinawa) developed in private and in secret, and was not available to the public. Then, in the early part of the 20th century, karate (as it later came to be called) was presented in a sanitized and watered-down version by teachers who were accustomed to keeping things secret, and not at all inclined to share much of what they knew.As a result, what was once a fearsome fighting art, is today largely a children’s pursuit.

Shunshin No Jutsu
Eight year old “black belts” proudly pose beside trophies taller than they, while parents watch and applaud. But, the karate these children learn is little different than the jazz/tap/ballet taught in the dance school down the street. Meanwhile, the old masters continued to guard their secrets, while time threatened the old knowledge with extinction.However, to protect their secrets from being lost, a very few masters choose to share more openly what had been for so long guarded jealously. What they shared was the old fighting art, the original martial art of Okinawa. Known as Ryukyu kempo (an almost generic name), this art might be referred to as “Karate from when karate was still karate.”Though it outwardly resembles the martial endeavor practiced by so many in the world today, Ryukyu kempo is a powerful and effective self-defense system, that uses familiar karate movements in surprising and devastating ways.At the heart of Ryukyu kempo pratice is the thorough understanding of kata.
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Kata are patterns of solo movement which contain fighting secrets passed down from the past. By analyzing the kata, once-hidden pressure point fighting techniques are brought to light. These secrets are then practiced in partner training to ensure that that ancient knowledge becomes modern reflex.
ForumsBook Review Motobu Choki Karate-My Art His 1932 Classic ”WatashiNo Karate-Jutsu” & his 1926publication “Okinawan Kenpo Karate-Jutsu” Compiled & translated by Patrick & YurikoMcCarthyInternational Ryukyu Research GroupSoftcover,120 pages, with more than 175 photos & illustrations$24.95Review by Rick ReichertThis is quickly becoming one of my favorite karate books. It is reallya combination of two of Motobu’s book in one - Motobu’sclassic 1932 text “Watashi No Karate-Jutsu” (My Karate) whichportrays his favorite kata, Naihanchi (Tekki in Japan) along with manyof its applications, plus his original 1926 publication “OkinawanKenpo Karate-Jutsu” outlining his twelve fighting drills.But what I like most from this small but provocative publication isthat McCarthy also helps put this early Okinawan karate pioneer intohistorical prospective.
Included are essays and personal recollectionson Motobu by other karate-ka - including Kinjo Hiroshi (the famous karatehistorian), Marukawa Kenji, Miyahira Katsuya, Nagamine Shoshin (the famousauthor and teacher), Graham Noble and Kayan Chotoku. Included too aremore than 175 rare photos and illustrations relating to Motobu, his techniqueand associations.Readers will also find a translation of the famous and controversial1925 King Magazine article about Motobu’s defeat of a boxer, anarticle that substituted drawings of Funakoshi for Motobu.